
TermiHelp was an idea to make using the command line easier for new members by giving them better help than man pages. The brainchild of Ben A'Lee, TermiHelp would make available to members a range of help topics through a command line search engine.

After some discussion at exec meetings, it was decided that TermiHelp would be one of the projects that would be written and ready for use by fresher fayre '05. Other projects included this wiki, and a website redesign. The project was given blessing by the Chairman, and work began by Ben as project leader with danbjorn as a minion.

Originally the project was to be coded in Perl. A search engine was created, as was an indexer, by danbjorn in Perl. Ben was to create a display engine for the topics, and for the output of the search engine. Ben decided to write it in Python.

The project stagnated until February 2005, when Ben finally finished the display engine. Topics also need to be written. If you would like to help, talk to the exec.

The project was one of the first (and only) kept in TermiSoc's CVS repository at cvs.termisoc.org, which was lost when ford died. Luckily, Ben has a current copy checked out, which'll go back into CVS soon.


  • sites/termiwiki/termihelp.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/04 12:00
  • by Philip McGaw