Dan "Danbjorn" Cosser

Positions Held

  2003–2007 — BSc (Hons) Computing Informatics 

TermiSoc was the first and only society Dan joined when he came to Plymouth, but those who know him know that this lad from deepest darkest Dorset is very lazy and this explains why his appearances at meetings was sketchy. Under the leadership of the outgoing exec, he learned about the ways of Linux. When his second year came around, a full year of CANDI under his belt, danbjorn became the Termisoc treasurer, and preparations had to be made for the fresher's fayre.

Seeing a new load of freshers come in was interesting experience for the student, and he learnt much about the art of teaching people in the tutorials given. Much fun was had. By the end of the year work grew hard, and attendance poor.

The Council, that's what. As his second year of CANDI drew to a close a placement beckoned, and our intrepid explorer took up a position as a business process analyst at the South Hams District Council. He lives in Plymouth, and is still a student, albeit a much more tired and bitter one. He is even brave enough to remain on the exec as ATO, under young 'un Ben "MartianSpider/bma" A'Lee.

Eventually the long and arduous year that was the placement drew to close, and our protegee had to move on to better things. Alternatively he was to return to University, which he did with an apprehensive heart. He found that £3 millon had been spent on removing stairs and adding a couple of sofas, and he was most displeased. Yet he fought on regardless at Termisoc, guiding a new wave of fresh blood into the world as he battled with the final year of his course.

Now our young traveller has moved on out into the big, wide world. Or Derriford, as it's more widely known. Yes! Our intrepid student is no longer, and a bitter, cynical developer has taken his place. His snake is now placid, his wallet slightly fuller, but he is no longer the student we knew and loved. But have no fear! His involvement with Termisoc continues until this day.

At his desk, cursing the existence of Java, ColdFusion, CSS and Internet Explorer.


  • sites/termiwiki/dan_cosser.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/09 18:09
  • by Philip McGaw