Pete "Bramley" Hatton

Positions Held

1998 - 1999 - Treasurer

2000 - 2001 - PR Officer & Training Officer

I did a BSc in Computing and Informatics between 1997 and 2001. I joined TermiSoc in 1997, but I didn't really get involved with them until much later.

Besides looking after the cash for TermiSoc, teaching everyone HTML and making sure everyone got plastered down the pub. I also did the Website rewrite version X, which looks something like what is live now.

Also at the end of my final year, I decided to play with fire and write (Finally) FluxWeb for Flux BBS.

Was down in Plymouth in December 2005. These days I'm spotted around Chippenham (Where I work), Bristol, Swindon and Cheltenham (Where Chas lives) I'm working for the National Milk Records as an Analyst Programmer.


  • sites/termiwiki/pete_hatton.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/09 19:22
  • by Philip McGaw