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LOGin was the name of the podcast from TermiSoc.

It was intended to fortnightly show recorded every other Thursday. It is then usually released the weekend after. However, as time progressed it devolved into 'whenever we had time'. There was 12 episodes before people moved away/became too busy and the entire thing fizzled out in 2009.

The concept behind the podcast was simple enough - get some geeks in a room and get ranting!

Not to be confused with Skippy's 'VodCast' idea (dismissed on the grounds of not owning a video camera, and 'VodCast' being dismissed as a 'silly name' by Ben "MartianSpider/bma" A'Lee, this idea was spawned whilst Ben, Rich and Dan were trying to sort out the society paperwork the day before it was meant to be handed in. Talk about procrastination!

The podcast revolved around 3 areas:

  • The current things the show's cast were loving and hating;
  • A discussion of a selection of news topics over the past fortnight; and
  • What tea they were enjoying that week, which was varied as much as possible.

Later segments included 'What are we using as a mic stand this week?' and 'Who's pretending to be Dan whilst he's off galavanting about the country?'. There were also one-off segments.

Also, guests are freely invited to join in on the discussion, which included Chris "nanohead" Morris and Gemma "HexDoll/Gem" Peter. Alas, no-one was interested enough in the podcast to ask to be a guest from outside TermiSoc.

The Podcast

The first LOGin podcast was recorded on Thursday the 24th of May 2007 in Rich's flat. Apart from hiccups from a low volume and plenty of 'umms' and 'errs' in regard to content, it went rather smoothly. It was presented by Dan "Danbjorn" Cosser, Rich "MooseBlaster" Jeffery and Ben "MartianSpider/bma" A'Lee. Christine Harrison also lent a hand.

Its intended release was on the weekend of the 25th, but due to a nasty flu that was going around and Rich wandering off somewhere for the weekend, it wasn't released until the 3rd of June. On the same day, the Podcast's website went online, but due to an error with the DNS wasn't widely available until a few days later.

Dan’s off cycling around the countryside, so instead, it’s just Ben A’Lee, Gemma Peter and Rich Jeffery ranting about IP laws and people’s attitudes towards it.

The topics in question:

  • Are software patents a good idea for developers and producers to secure their code?
  • With online piracy and the failings of DRM dominating the media, what’s the next step for content providers?
  • With all the new exceptions and rules being added to the GNU Public License each revision, is it becoming too restrictive for developers?
  • Will physical media ever die, or is it all media hype?

All this and tea, lovings and hatings, cake, faux microphone stands and much more in this week’s LOGin!


  • sites/termiwiki/login.1672822822.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/04 10:00
  • by Philip McGaw